A Nuclear Strike! [March 08 - March 09].
A Second 'Dream' - March 16, 2008.
The same woman & I were in an apartment or house, and it was 'ours' in the sense that we put into it what was there. It had plain walls, and then the sirens went off. A nuclear attack of some kind, I felt this to be.
I felt the air being sucked out of my lungs, yet at the same time it was turning acidic (toxic?) and I knew I would be throwing up my liver shortly afterwards.
Upon waking, I felt this dream to be about one or two years away.. but I didn't know.. so this type of speculation is completely foolish in wanting to know specifics that aren't or weren't given, so I can't rely on that as that feeling was upon waking, and not within the vision itself. But just if
it was within a couple of years say, then -:
* This I could understand when put together with the Genesis Timeline's finishing of the three period through 2009.
* This together with Bob's warning from G-D to get out of debt by 2010.
* This together with Israel's need to attack Iran as stated by Benjamin Netanyahu, to prevent another Holocaust but which, I personally believe, will be too late, since Iran already has everything they need for two or three bombs now, and the extra time is simply giving them time to put the finishing touches to their project.
* This together with the Scriptures, in Zechariah, which state that 2/3 of the Jewish people in Israel will be killed
But to tell the truth, when I put these things together, my 'gut-feeling' remains the same: that something absolutely horrible is going to happen in that time - soon enough, that no-one could have expected or could possibly have prepared themselves for.
The woman in the apartment or house with me was not my wife but, in the words of the vision, was "like her" [i.e. like a wife to me]. When the sirens sounded, we both ran for cover in the closets, as Scripture says in Isaiah 26:20, although I knew it was all over.
At that time, a dear friend that the L-RD had led me to, called Bob, had met me at a 'Shabbat' group, and then he disappeared (!!!).
Shabbat groups - (and there seems to be many of them popping up all over this state!) - are groups of believers who have decided to distrust the Church and go back to the Hebrew roots of our faith by studying and reading it together all by themselves, without any direction whatso-
ever, but keeping a close eye on following the Mosaic Law!
However the problem is that without proper direction - you can go way off course! Some get so lost in the 'Jewishness' of it all, that they end up taking on staunchly 'Orthodox-Jewish' views, where they end up arguing Jesus right out of Scripture altogether. I know this because this
is precisely what happened! Bob, bless his heart, left when this began and still laughs at me today about it.
"Dude," he says, "You just wouldn't leave them alone!! You would get right up in their face about it and man, I could tell they wished that you would just leave 'em alone and stop upsetting their little apple-carts, but you weren't having none of it!" - ROFL!!!
I mention this purely as it still makes me laugh, but on another note, as soon as one local church opened its doors to them, allowing them to become 'official' and established, in their use of its facilities for a Messianic (Christ-believing) faith then - gasp! - they suddenly believed in Jesus
again! How'd that happen!?!! (I say this purely tongue-in-cheek!)
Anyway this is how Bob & I met, and after a while the L-RD led me back into Bob's company, and we then proceeded together to start a Messianic-Synagogue here, since there are none in this state whatsoever.
When we tried this, we experienced a *lot* of spiritual opposition, and I mean a lot - and I mean 'spiritual' - warfare! Twice, the spiritual enemies of G-D tried to kill me and I saw things during those times that realistically that I do not know how to describe here, but it is enough to describe them as 'angelic battles'.
[Journal entry: March 30, 2009]
That 'dream' was last March. About a year ago. Now - in the last couple of weeks:
The government has just stripped down America's only defense against nuclear attack - the 'Star Wars' program.
Iran has now reached the process of refing uranium for their first nuclear bomb - to such a degree that they have been described as "reaching the point of no return" - a term that politicians will only use when all possible negotiations have failed, despite that not being officially
declared in the press.
Pakistan has in the last week, ceded swathes of its own country to the Taliban. Even though they know the Taliban have members infiltrated in the Pakistan's ISI Intelligence Agency (one of the most powerful in the world), who have direct access to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
I am just drawing things together in order to try and see as much of the whole picture that is being revealed here as possible. That's what I'm interested in.
Our King is coming back and He (Blessed be He) is coming back soon!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
How Should Christians Celebrate Yom Kippur?
Yom Kippur - is considered the holiest of the Jewish holy days, the Bible (Lev 23:26-32) calls the day Yom Hakippurim (Hebrew for "Day of the Atonements"). as most solemn, a time of introspection and repentance. Modern observance includes fasting for 24 hours (from sundown Sept 17 to sundown ,Sept 18,) abstinence from all work and denial of all physical appetites,(fasting) in honor of the seriousness of this holy day. The meal taken before this fast should go easy on salt, because salt makes one thirsty.
Eating, drinking, bathing, anointing, wearing leather shoes and having sexual relations are all forbidden on this day. Yom Kippur is the day to seek forgiveness for vows broken --- vows between man and God and between each other. This is a time of confession and prayer -- admitting the guilt of our sin and asking God for forgiveness.
The high priest would offer solemn prayers that God would receive the offering and forgive the sins of the people. Yeshua is our high priest -- He entered the heavenly Holy of Holies and is currently making blood atonement for our sins. Yom Kippur is a time for identification with our Jewish people, introspection for ourselves and intercession for loved ones, knowing all the while that Jesus is the One that makes us at one with God..." Yom Kippur, it illustrates the spirit of the holy day, which emphasizes confession of sin and restoration of a relationship with God.
How should believers celebrate?
This is a day begun in great solemnity as we conclude ten days of repentance,( 10 days of Awe) but ended with great joy as atonement is made for the priest, the temple, and the community.
In Leviticus 16, the high priest first made atonement for personal sin. At the Lord’s Supper we examine our hearts (Romans 11:27-32, 1 John 1:9). As believers we still need introspection and repentance. We should start here.
The high priest next made atonement for the tabernacle. Numbers 18 tells us that the priesthood bore the iniquity of the tabernacle and its equipment. But those earthly items still needed atonement yearly in order to be fit for God's dwelling. This day teaches that even though Yeshua bears our iniquity (Isaiah 53:6) we still need to make atonement to allow the presence of God to more greatly fill us (1 Corinthians 3:16 calls our bodies the current temples of God).
The high priest then interceded for God’s forgiveness upon the community. Pray for the communities to which you belong. For examples of intercession read Exodus 32:11-14, Daniel 9:2-19, Isaiah 58, Ezra 9:1-6, Romans 8:26, Hebrews 7:25.
The Hebrew word for "repentance" is t'shuvah, meaning "turning [to God]". Although all ten Days of Awe are times of t'shuvah (indeed, the entire year should be), the evening and morning of Yom Kippur have the most intense t'shuvah of the year. So it is appropriate on this day to think about the steps of t’shuvah:
(1) humbling your heart (Psalm 34:18)
(2) forgiving others (Matthew 6)
(3) introspection (Psalm 139:3)
(4) apologizing to all for whom God shows a need to do so (Matthew 5:33)
(5) accepting blame from what God showed us in #3, #4
(6) remorse (2 Cor 7:10)
(7) willingness to suffer consequences of sin (2 Samuel 12:13-14)
(8) confession before God and sometimes other people (James 5:16)
(9) reconciliation and restitution with God and people (Jer 31:34, Acts 13:38, Luke 19:8, Luke 3:9-13)
As we await this day, we can celebrate Yom Kippur by thanking God for the atonement available through Yeshua and by praying that more of our people will recognize and accept Him as their atonement. The tenor of the day also provides us with an opportunity for self-searching, repentance and recommitment to God (cf. II Cor. 13:5; 1 Jn. 1:9).
The yearly observance of Yom Kippur foreshadows the Great Day of Judgment to come, when Messiah will come to preside of the Judgment of the world, and reestablish Israel in its rightful place. (Jeremiah 33:11)
Blessings, Shalom,
More christians don't know about the Lords high holy days, the Lord says that we re to proclaim and keep the feasts with others, Leviticus 23:2, I Corith 5:8.
Rosh Hashanah, started on Sept 9th and 10th, then there are the 10 days of Awe until Yom Kippur, which is believed that the gate of heaven is open for our petitions and hen there is Succot, Setpt 23, ending on Sept 30, where most people go camping, it is being under the stars and spending time remembering the fragile dwellings that the Iraelites dwelt in their 40 years of wandering the desert, but its a reminder to christians, that the Lord provides for us , food, and clotheing and living and provision and to thank Jesus for all that.
CBN celebrates the High Holy Days, I have a video on my page and most prophets celebrate it as the Lord has revealed this to them as being the Lords appointed times and not to celebrate the world's holidays, like Christmas or Easter as they come from pagan holidays
Matthew 15-2-9, Jeremiah 10:1-4, Duet 7:25-26 James 4:4, Collossians 2:8, Mark 7:7,Deut 4:2, 2 Corinthians 6:17
Yet the church has not been honest or tells us the truth about this, I only found out about this like 2 years ago. The Lord gave me a song for Jeruselum and Israel. and showed me these scritpres. and how if we honor the Lord and obey him in this, we will be blessed and the Lord healed me of 2 things last year on Yom Kippur, ALL menapause symptoms and Endrometriosis, (the woman with the issue of blood).
I pray that the Lord opens your eyes to the feasts, you are asking the Lord put it on your heart for a reason, if you have the HEART of the Lord, he will woe you to these feasts as they are his holidays to be reveranced. God bless.
See FeastsoftheLord.net
Yom Kippur - is considered the holiest of the Jewish holy days, the Bible (Lev 23:26-32) calls the day Yom Hakippurim (Hebrew for "Day of the Atonements"). as most solemn, a time of introspection and repentance. Modern observance includes fasting for 24 hours (from sundown Sept 17 to sundown ,Sept 18,) abstinence from all work and denial of all physical appetites,(fasting) in honor of the seriousness of this holy day. The meal taken before this fast should go easy on salt, because salt makes one thirsty.
Eating, drinking, bathing, anointing, wearing leather shoes and having sexual relations are all forbidden on this day. Yom Kippur is the day to seek forgiveness for vows broken --- vows between man and God and between each other. This is a time of confession and prayer -- admitting the guilt of our sin and asking God for forgiveness.
The high priest would offer solemn prayers that God would receive the offering and forgive the sins of the people. Yeshua is our high priest -- He entered the heavenly Holy of Holies and is currently making blood atonement for our sins. Yom Kippur is a time for identification with our Jewish people, introspection for ourselves and intercession for loved ones, knowing all the while that Jesus is the One that makes us at one with God..." Yom Kippur, it illustrates the spirit of the holy day, which emphasizes confession of sin and restoration of a relationship with God.
How should believers celebrate?
This is a day begun in great solemnity as we conclude ten days of repentance,( 10 days of Awe) but ended with great joy as atonement is made for the priest, the temple, and the community.
In Leviticus 16, the high priest first made atonement for personal sin. At the Lord’s Supper we examine our hearts (Romans 11:27-32, 1 John 1:9). As believers we still need introspection and repentance. We should start here.
The high priest next made atonement for the tabernacle. Numbers 18 tells us that the priesthood bore the iniquity of the tabernacle and its equipment. But those earthly items still needed atonement yearly in order to be fit for God's dwelling. This day teaches that even though Yeshua bears our iniquity (Isaiah 53:6) we still need to make atonement to allow the presence of God to more greatly fill us (1 Corinthians 3:16 calls our bodies the current temples of God).
The high priest then interceded for God’s forgiveness upon the community. Pray for the communities to which you belong. For examples of intercession read Exodus 32:11-14, Daniel 9:2-19, Isaiah 58, Ezra 9:1-6, Romans 8:26, Hebrews 7:25.
The Hebrew word for "repentance" is t'shuvah, meaning "turning [to God]". Although all ten Days of Awe are times of t'shuvah (indeed, the entire year should be), the evening and morning of Yom Kippur have the most intense t'shuvah of the year. So it is appropriate on this day to think about the steps of t’shuvah:
(1) humbling your heart (Psalm 34:18)
(2) forgiving others (Matthew 6)
(3) introspection (Psalm 139:3)
(4) apologizing to all for whom God shows a need to do so (Matthew 5:33)
(5) accepting blame from what God showed us in #3, #4
(6) remorse (2 Cor 7:10)
(7) willingness to suffer consequences of sin (2 Samuel 12:13-14)
(8) confession before God and sometimes other people (James 5:16)
(9) reconciliation and restitution with God and people (Jer 31:34, Acts 13:38, Luke 19:8, Luke 3:9-13)
As we await this day, we can celebrate Yom Kippur by thanking God for the atonement available through Yeshua and by praying that more of our people will recognize and accept Him as their atonement. The tenor of the day also provides us with an opportunity for self-searching, repentance and recommitment to God (cf. II Cor. 13:5; 1 Jn. 1:9).
The yearly observance of Yom Kippur foreshadows the Great Day of Judgment to come, when Messiah will come to preside of the Judgment of the world, and reestablish Israel in its rightful place. (Jeremiah 33:11)
Blessings, Shalom,
More christians don't know about the Lords high holy days, the Lord says that we re to proclaim and keep the feasts with others, Leviticus 23:2, I Corith 5:8.
Rosh Hashanah, started on Sept 9th and 10th, then there are the 10 days of Awe until Yom Kippur, which is believed that the gate of heaven is open for our petitions and hen there is Succot, Setpt 23, ending on Sept 30, where most people go camping, it is being under the stars and spending time remembering the fragile dwellings that the Iraelites dwelt in their 40 years of wandering the desert, but its a reminder to christians, that the Lord provides for us , food, and clotheing and living and provision and to thank Jesus for all that.
CBN celebrates the High Holy Days, I have a video on my page and most prophets celebrate it as the Lord has revealed this to them as being the Lords appointed times and not to celebrate the world's holidays, like Christmas or Easter as they come from pagan holidays
Matthew 15-2-9, Jeremiah 10:1-4, Duet 7:25-26 James 4:4, Collossians 2:8, Mark 7:7,Deut 4:2, 2 Corinthians 6:17
Yet the church has not been honest or tells us the truth about this, I only found out about this like 2 years ago. The Lord gave me a song for Jeruselum and Israel. and showed me these scritpres. and how if we honor the Lord and obey him in this, we will be blessed and the Lord healed me of 2 things last year on Yom Kippur, ALL menapause symptoms and Endrometriosis, (the woman with the issue of blood).
I pray that the Lord opens your eyes to the feasts, you are asking the Lord put it on your heart for a reason, if you have the HEART of the Lord, he will woe you to these feasts as they are his holidays to be reveranced. God bless.
See FeastsoftheLord.net
Vision 8: Israel In Trouble!
I include this because it came from the Elijah-List who collect what people see, and when they see enough people from around the world having the same vision, they study it in the light of present conditions, pray over it, and if it seems right, publish it.
But there is a hidden prophecy in this vision, which I identify at the end.
For now, I wish to tell you that I sent this article out in December 2007, not knowing what I know now about the Genesis Timeline, with which it fully agrees and, I now believe, is very highly prophetic of what the present administration is currently doing to Israel.
In Jesus - Ray.
Israel Is In Trouble! (December 28, 2007)
Pray with Tears!
"As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, 'If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes!" (Luke 19:41-42)
There is a sense right now that we really need to step into the breech in the wall with much intercession for Israel with tears of travail. Israel is being set up for slaughter and only the LORD of Hosts is able to deliver from certain destruction.
Step by step, Israel is being humiliated and forced to retreat to the Auschwitz borders of 1967. Condoleeza Rice spoke at the Annapolis meeting about that she knows from her own experience as a black in the South, how it must feel for the
Palestinians having to go through checkpoints and not being able to use certain roads, etc. Yet she did not mention a single word about the necessity of these things because of the Palestinian ongoing terror.
At the same time, however, she accepted the demands of the Muslims that the Israeli delegates could not even enter the meeting through the main entrance, but had to use the kitchen door! The Muslim representatives refused to shake hands with the Israelis at the "peace meeting" and refused to appear in any pohotos together with the Israelis. Talk about segregation!
And Ms Rice willingly went along with this behaviour without one hint of protest.
The Word of God is clear when it comes to Israel:
"I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you." (Genesis 12:3)
Outside the hotel where the Israeli delegation stayed, they were not allowed to fly the Israeli flag, while ast the hotel of the Palestinian delegation; there was a huge Palestinian flag.
Iran is laughing at the recent US report that they supposedly have stopped their nuclear weapons program. They say openly that the report is proof that the United States has given up the fight to stop them, and that they have won.
Israel's public Security Minister Avi Dichter said this week that the report can lead to a new Middle East Yom Kippur war! To make matters worse, President Bush this week even supported Russia's latest delivery of enriched uranium to Iran's nuclear reactor at Bushehr, saying that it is meant for civilian use.
For PA President Abba's sham preformance at Annapolis, where he absolutely refused to accept Israel as a Jewish state, he was awarded this week in Paris with the largest aid package ever given to any nation, 7.5 BILLION dollars. The money is meant to be used to establish an independent Palestinian state on the land promised to Israel, but we can be sure that these funds, one way or another, will be used towards their overall goal to destroy Israel. Their desire to do that is just
as strong today as ever.
Not only does the Palestinian leadership refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state: This week also the head of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, Michael Sabbah said in a press conference that Israel should abandon its Jewish character in favor of a "political, normal state for Christians, Muslims and Jews."
"This land cannot be exclusive for anyone." he said. (Really?!!!)
He further said, "Israel's identity as a Jewish state discriminates among non-Jews." How blind can people become in their rebellion against God and His Word?!! It is up to our prayers now. Let's be faithful in prayer as if everything hinges upon us, but full of confidence and faith in the outcome. God says about Israel,
"'But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD, 'because you are alled an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.'" (Jer. 30:17)
To the nations the Almighty says,
"Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle and be shattered! Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us." (Isa 8:9-10)
Israel Abandoned.
Before Annapolis, we published a vision from an intercessor about this meeting. In this vision Israel was pictured as a young boy that the nations seduced. Others have written us saying that they have seen the same image of Israel as a young boy. Here is one such prayer report:
"Last week, in praying over the situation in Annapolis - and the leadership directions our State dept and President poured forth with the NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] report - the Lord led me to 2 Kings 17.
The first of that chapter shows that the King did a greater evil than all of his forefathers - he caused ISRAEL TO BECOME A SERVANT TO EGYPT!"
"I realized - that too has happened to our President and HE HAS DONE SO TO ISRAEL - as Israel was required to enter through the SERVANT's quarters! Why? Because our President has bowed his knee to the Saudis - to get their support
with Tehran for the battle in Iraq. (WorldNet daily report)
Their demands are high - the WHITE PAPER - the lie that the nuclear program has been shut down!"
"The end is coming forth one step at a time! I think the President knows the trap that was laid for him, but he does NOT know how to excavate himself, this nation or Israel!!"
"Several years ago, I had a dream and I saw a young boy - about 9 or 10 with a spear in his right thigh pinned to the ground! I had seen enough westerns to know that pulling out the spear would actually create more muscle damage, and
as I was trying to ascertain how to push it through to set him free, I realized he also had a severe wound in his left shoulder - the meaty part of his shoulder. I was amazed - who would hurt this child!!!"
"About that time, I heard this sing song coming forth and saw a "woman" dressed and looking like a North American squaw come prancing up the hill, and as I stood back to watch her, she came to the boy pinned to the ground, pulled out the spear - I saw the incredible pain on the child's face - and then push it deep into his right side - again, the fleshy portion! She then said, "there - that ought to hurt real good without killing you yet!!!"
"She then turned and began her sing song again and went back the way she had come! I was livid, and as I rose up to go after the woman, suddenly I saw hiding in the rocks, a unit of Special Ops soldiers from the US! They wanted to help the child - were itching to do so, but when I looked to see why they didn't, I saw what they saw: a huge army just waiting for them to expose their flank - and full destruction was waiting upon them! End of dream!"
As I look back, the Lord was warning me of events to come - and He used pictures, images that I would identify with - but the message was the same. I knew that I knew at waking up that the boy was Israel, and the "woman" was Babylon - the scarlet woman on the beast!!! IT was Islam!!! [Islam is the harlot's tool at this time in history.]
What I didn't realize was the role coming to this nation - for I believe our people are in full support of Israel - at this time. But the army that will devastate us if we do help Israel is just out of sight! But our President - like the special ops team that has kept and guarded Israel - is seeing the destruction about to come!"
"No wonder Annapolis came before Hanukkah this year - to celebrate the victory of the few over the many - when the Lord of the Heavens is on your side! Thank you for the teaching on Churchill - for the Lord is preparing HIS PEOPLE to still come forth and overthrow the antichrist! The call is going forth - who will I send!!!!"
(End quote)
2008: A Crucial Year.
At the moment Israel is weighing a large-scale military invasion of Gaza, to crush Hamas. The situatiuon is very tense right now with larger and more deadly rockets continuing to fly into southern Israel.
In the end, only the turning of Israel to God can keep the enemy out and give peace. Meanwhile we must continue to pray that God will raise up a new leadership in Israel, because the situation is now so serious. President Assad in Syria (whose family now is investing in large property on the Golan Heights, as he counts on the Golan being given to Syria in a near future,) said this week that Israel has never had a weaker leader than Olmert. A Churchill type leader is needed. The weeping that is called for in this hour is two fold:
The danger Israel is facing, being set up for slaughter without anyone to help them, another Yom Kippur war is on the horizon "you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares."
The blindness of the people to whom their Messiah is. "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes."
We have asked you to pray for Israel's salvation according to Zechariah 12:9-10 after every meal. It is very good to do so. Please do not stop. But we need to increase our prayers now with fasting also. 2008 seems to become one of the most fateful years in Israel's modern history where much prayer will be needed.
We so much appreciate each one of you who are praying with us and for those who support us financially. Thank you so much! As you know this ministry is completely dependent on the support of partners in the nations. If you are not a committed monthly partner already, would you please pray about becoming one? We need to stand strong together in this end time battle preparing the way for the Messiah.
God bless you!
* Pray with tears for Israel to turn to God! "As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, 'If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes.'" (Lk 19:41-42)
* Pray for the outpouring of the Spirit of grace and supplication! "On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem. And I will pour out on the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a Firstborn Son." (Zec 12:9-10)
* Pray that the plans of Islam to destroy Israel will not succeed! "Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle and be shattered! Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us." (Isa 8:9-10)
* Pray that God will raise up a new leaderin Israel with wisdom, courage and integrity like Churchill to lead in a time of great crisis! "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD, 'because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.'" (Jer. 30:17)
2 years later: My own thoughts - From Ray.
God did indeed answer this last prayer, by raising up Benjamin Netanyahu, a man of lion-like courage for Israel, though even he is powerless against some of things being lobbied against him right now.
The other three prayers still need all the energy of our souls to be poured into them fully. And regarding the first of these prayers, it is very beautiful to see how how the numbers of Messianic-Jews in Israel and Messianic-Judaism as a movement, have been *mushrooming* and just exploding in number!!!
Thirdly and lastly, the hidden prophecy contained with this vision:
This vision was given many years ago, and written only 2 years ago. Yet in it, the tool being used by the "woman" of Babylon - is identified as Islam. So then, begs the question, why is she dressed in Native-American clothes??? This woman is wearing clothes that do not belong to her! That means she is a usurper. Here is the question:
Since she is identified as Islam, then at what point do we begin to look for an 'Islamic-Babylon' coming from the American leadership, to oppress Israel??? .. Perhaps even a usurper?
You know the answer to this one!
I include this because it came from the Elijah-List who collect what people see, and when they see enough people from around the world having the same vision, they study it in the light of present conditions, pray over it, and if it seems right, publish it.
But there is a hidden prophecy in this vision, which I identify at the end.
For now, I wish to tell you that I sent this article out in December 2007, not knowing what I know now about the Genesis Timeline, with which it fully agrees and, I now believe, is very highly prophetic of what the present administration is currently doing to Israel.
In Jesus - Ray.
Israel Is In Trouble! (December 28, 2007)
Pray with Tears!
"As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, 'If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes!" (Luke 19:41-42)
There is a sense right now that we really need to step into the breech in the wall with much intercession for Israel with tears of travail. Israel is being set up for slaughter and only the LORD of Hosts is able to deliver from certain destruction.
Step by step, Israel is being humiliated and forced to retreat to the Auschwitz borders of 1967. Condoleeza Rice spoke at the Annapolis meeting about that she knows from her own experience as a black in the South, how it must feel for the
Palestinians having to go through checkpoints and not being able to use certain roads, etc. Yet she did not mention a single word about the necessity of these things because of the Palestinian ongoing terror.
At the same time, however, she accepted the demands of the Muslims that the Israeli delegates could not even enter the meeting through the main entrance, but had to use the kitchen door! The Muslim representatives refused to shake hands with the Israelis at the "peace meeting" and refused to appear in any pohotos together with the Israelis. Talk about segregation!
And Ms Rice willingly went along with this behaviour without one hint of protest.
The Word of God is clear when it comes to Israel:
"I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you." (Genesis 12:3)
Outside the hotel where the Israeli delegation stayed, they were not allowed to fly the Israeli flag, while ast the hotel of the Palestinian delegation; there was a huge Palestinian flag.
Iran is laughing at the recent US report that they supposedly have stopped their nuclear weapons program. They say openly that the report is proof that the United States has given up the fight to stop them, and that they have won.
Israel's public Security Minister Avi Dichter said this week that the report can lead to a new Middle East Yom Kippur war! To make matters worse, President Bush this week even supported Russia's latest delivery of enriched uranium to Iran's nuclear reactor at Bushehr, saying that it is meant for civilian use.
For PA President Abba's sham preformance at Annapolis, where he absolutely refused to accept Israel as a Jewish state, he was awarded this week in Paris with the largest aid package ever given to any nation, 7.5 BILLION dollars. The money is meant to be used to establish an independent Palestinian state on the land promised to Israel, but we can be sure that these funds, one way or another, will be used towards their overall goal to destroy Israel. Their desire to do that is just
as strong today as ever.
Not only does the Palestinian leadership refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state: This week also the head of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, Michael Sabbah said in a press conference that Israel should abandon its Jewish character in favor of a "political, normal state for Christians, Muslims and Jews."
"This land cannot be exclusive for anyone." he said. (Really?!!!)
He further said, "Israel's identity as a Jewish state discriminates among non-Jews." How blind can people become in their rebellion against God and His Word?!! It is up to our prayers now. Let's be faithful in prayer as if everything hinges upon us, but full of confidence and faith in the outcome. God says about Israel,
"'But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD, 'because you are alled an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.'" (Jer. 30:17)
To the nations the Almighty says,
"Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle and be shattered! Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us." (Isa 8:9-10)
Israel Abandoned.
Before Annapolis, we published a vision from an intercessor about this meeting. In this vision Israel was pictured as a young boy that the nations seduced. Others have written us saying that they have seen the same image of Israel as a young boy. Here is one such prayer report:
"Last week, in praying over the situation in Annapolis - and the leadership directions our State dept and President poured forth with the NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] report - the Lord led me to 2 Kings 17.
The first of that chapter shows that the King did a greater evil than all of his forefathers - he caused ISRAEL TO BECOME A SERVANT TO EGYPT!"
"I realized - that too has happened to our President and HE HAS DONE SO TO ISRAEL - as Israel was required to enter through the SERVANT's quarters! Why? Because our President has bowed his knee to the Saudis - to get their support
with Tehran for the battle in Iraq. (WorldNet daily report)
Their demands are high - the WHITE PAPER - the lie that the nuclear program has been shut down!"
"The end is coming forth one step at a time! I think the President knows the trap that was laid for him, but he does NOT know how to excavate himself, this nation or Israel!!"
"Several years ago, I had a dream and I saw a young boy - about 9 or 10 with a spear in his right thigh pinned to the ground! I had seen enough westerns to know that pulling out the spear would actually create more muscle damage, and
as I was trying to ascertain how to push it through to set him free, I realized he also had a severe wound in his left shoulder - the meaty part of his shoulder. I was amazed - who would hurt this child!!!"
"About that time, I heard this sing song coming forth and saw a "woman" dressed and looking like a North American squaw come prancing up the hill, and as I stood back to watch her, she came to the boy pinned to the ground, pulled out the spear - I saw the incredible pain on the child's face - and then push it deep into his right side - again, the fleshy portion! She then said, "there - that ought to hurt real good without killing you yet!!!"
"She then turned and began her sing song again and went back the way she had come! I was livid, and as I rose up to go after the woman, suddenly I saw hiding in the rocks, a unit of Special Ops soldiers from the US! They wanted to help the child - were itching to do so, but when I looked to see why they didn't, I saw what they saw: a huge army just waiting for them to expose their flank - and full destruction was waiting upon them! End of dream!"
As I look back, the Lord was warning me of events to come - and He used pictures, images that I would identify with - but the message was the same. I knew that I knew at waking up that the boy was Israel, and the "woman" was Babylon - the scarlet woman on the beast!!! IT was Islam!!! [Islam is the harlot's tool at this time in history.]
What I didn't realize was the role coming to this nation - for I believe our people are in full support of Israel - at this time. But the army that will devastate us if we do help Israel is just out of sight! But our President - like the special ops team that has kept and guarded Israel - is seeing the destruction about to come!"
"No wonder Annapolis came before Hanukkah this year - to celebrate the victory of the few over the many - when the Lord of the Heavens is on your side! Thank you for the teaching on Churchill - for the Lord is preparing HIS PEOPLE to still come forth and overthrow the antichrist! The call is going forth - who will I send!!!!"
(End quote)
2008: A Crucial Year.
At the moment Israel is weighing a large-scale military invasion of Gaza, to crush Hamas. The situatiuon is very tense right now with larger and more deadly rockets continuing to fly into southern Israel.
In the end, only the turning of Israel to God can keep the enemy out and give peace. Meanwhile we must continue to pray that God will raise up a new leadership in Israel, because the situation is now so serious. President Assad in Syria (whose family now is investing in large property on the Golan Heights, as he counts on the Golan being given to Syria in a near future,) said this week that Israel has never had a weaker leader than Olmert. A Churchill type leader is needed. The weeping that is called for in this hour is two fold:
The danger Israel is facing, being set up for slaughter without anyone to help them, another Yom Kippur war is on the horizon "you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares."
The blindness of the people to whom their Messiah is. "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes."
We have asked you to pray for Israel's salvation according to Zechariah 12:9-10 after every meal. It is very good to do so. Please do not stop. But we need to increase our prayers now with fasting also. 2008 seems to become one of the most fateful years in Israel's modern history where much prayer will be needed.
We so much appreciate each one of you who are praying with us and for those who support us financially. Thank you so much! As you know this ministry is completely dependent on the support of partners in the nations. If you are not a committed monthly partner already, would you please pray about becoming one? We need to stand strong together in this end time battle preparing the way for the Messiah.
God bless you!
* Pray with tears for Israel to turn to God! "As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, 'If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes.'" (Lk 19:41-42)
* Pray for the outpouring of the Spirit of grace and supplication! "On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem. And I will pour out on the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a Firstborn Son." (Zec 12:9-10)
* Pray that the plans of Islam to destroy Israel will not succeed! "Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle and be shattered! Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us." (Isa 8:9-10)
* Pray that God will raise up a new leaderin Israel with wisdom, courage and integrity like Churchill to lead in a time of great crisis! "I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD, 'because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.'" (Jer. 30:17)
2 years later: My own thoughts - From Ray.
God did indeed answer this last prayer, by raising up Benjamin Netanyahu, a man of lion-like courage for Israel, though even he is powerless against some of things being lobbied against him right now.
The other three prayers still need all the energy of our souls to be poured into them fully. And regarding the first of these prayers, it is very beautiful to see how how the numbers of Messianic-Jews in Israel and Messianic-Judaism as a movement, have been *mushrooming* and just exploding in number!!!
Thirdly and lastly, the hidden prophecy contained with this vision:
This vision was given many years ago, and written only 2 years ago. Yet in it, the tool being used by the "woman" of Babylon - is identified as Islam. So then, begs the question, why is she dressed in Native-American clothes??? This woman is wearing clothes that do not belong to her! That means she is a usurper. Here is the question:
Since she is identified as Islam, then at what point do we begin to look for an 'Islamic-Babylon' coming from the American leadership, to oppress Israel??? .. Perhaps even a usurper?
You know the answer to this one!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Vision 7: Life Saved In Christ.
October 16, 2007. Life Saved in Christ.
(When trying to build a Messianic-Jewish synagogue in Arkansas!)
Last Friday, I left to come down to Baruch HaShem Synagogue, to secure more of the contacts and information desperately needed to build a house for G-d here in Arkansas.
As I got into my car, I was given a picture of a truck accident I was going to be involved in. It was given me so strongly that I was physically shaking. I put my head on the steering-wheel, knowing I had to go anyway and prayed to G-d, "Father, I'm frightened".
To quote the image given me, I saw "pieces all over the road" and there was nothing left of me. But I saw the truck very clearly and in enough detail. I phoned Bob and left a message for prayer on his answer-phone, but what I didn't know was he had later mistakenly deleted it without hearing it.
I went down to Baruch HaShem sad-hearted for personal reasons, but to the point that while Paul Wilbur was singing, I prayed for God to take me to be with Him, since I didn't feel there was anything in this world for me, but during that amazing weekend experienced there, G-d not only healed my heart totally and I gained a new friend from it, but He also provided the connections and the people we have been so desperately looking for! - Praise His Holy Name!
On the way back from Baruch HaShem, my car began developing strange technical problems, and it will give a sudden "lurch" - two seconds before it runs out of gas, and will come to a complete stop right there - no matter how fast you are going or where you are! The gasometer is not functioning, and I hadn't yet worked out the milage to plan out my travels.
Well, I've only been able to piece the following information together in talking to Bob and his wife, Gina, since coming back, and you can ask them this as you'll see them this Friday; but from what I gather, when I saw the predicted disaster set for me, on Friday morning, Holy Spirit didn't wait to see whether Bob would check his answer-phone or not.
Gina started having bad feelings in her stomach to the point that she actually turned & asked Bob (a strange question) "Is someone having a car accident?"
On the way back on Saturday, I was on the freeway, approaching a fork in the road where the only shoulder was on the right-hand side, but I was heading left!
I was doing 65mph and my car suddenly 'lurched', and I knew I had just 2 seconds to decide what I was going to do. I looked up and in the rear-view mirror I saw the exact same truck that was going to take me out, coming up fast on me at - at least 75mph!
Now like I said, from what we've been able to piece together, is that it was at around exactly the same time, that Holy Spirit went to Gina and ordered her "Pray!!"
She didn't know who she was praying for or why, but she obeyed the voice of the L-RD .. And how I managed to cross two lanes and skew over to the right-hand shoulder where my car came to a screeching, complete stop, I'll never know, but that truck, at 75 mph, missed me by 3 feet!
I wanted to put a scripture here, but G-d gave me a different one. It is found in Psalm 124: 6-8. It reads:
"Praise be to the L-rd,
who has not let us be torn by their teeth,
We have escaped like a bird
out of the fowler's snare;
The snare has been broken
and we have escaped.
Our help is in the Name of the L-rd,
The Maker of Heaven and Earth."
Friends, will you support us with your constant prayers? Please do. We need them to bless G-d's Holy Name with! G-d bless you, we will see you again this Friday, if our L-rd Wills it to be so! May the L-rd bless you and keep you,
In Yeshua Always.
Raymond ******.
[During this time, we experienced a lot of spiritual opposition, and I mean a lot - and I mean 'spiritual' warfare! Twice, the enemies of G-D tried to kill, and I saw things during those times that realistically it is enough to say that I do not know how to describe here, but it is enough to describe them as 'angelic battles'.
This happened as we were starting and as I was just then beginning to recognize the Genesis Timeline. For reasons known to the L-RD alone, those plans did not come to fruition, but the effort wasn't wasted. It drew us both much closer to the L-RD, and we got to see His Awesomeness in protecting our very lives!]
October 16, 2007. Life Saved in Christ.
(When trying to build a Messianic-Jewish synagogue in Arkansas!)
Last Friday, I left to come down to Baruch HaShem Synagogue, to secure more of the contacts and information desperately needed to build a house for G-d here in Arkansas.
As I got into my car, I was given a picture of a truck accident I was going to be involved in. It was given me so strongly that I was physically shaking. I put my head on the steering-wheel, knowing I had to go anyway and prayed to G-d, "Father, I'm frightened".
To quote the image given me, I saw "pieces all over the road" and there was nothing left of me. But I saw the truck very clearly and in enough detail. I phoned Bob and left a message for prayer on his answer-phone, but what I didn't know was he had later mistakenly deleted it without hearing it.
I went down to Baruch HaShem sad-hearted for personal reasons, but to the point that while Paul Wilbur was singing, I prayed for God to take me to be with Him, since I didn't feel there was anything in this world for me, but during that amazing weekend experienced there, G-d not only healed my heart totally and I gained a new friend from it, but He also provided the connections and the people we have been so desperately looking for! - Praise His Holy Name!
On the way back from Baruch HaShem, my car began developing strange technical problems, and it will give a sudden "lurch" - two seconds before it runs out of gas, and will come to a complete stop right there - no matter how fast you are going or where you are! The gasometer is not functioning, and I hadn't yet worked out the milage to plan out my travels.
Well, I've only been able to piece the following information together in talking to Bob and his wife, Gina, since coming back, and you can ask them this as you'll see them this Friday; but from what I gather, when I saw the predicted disaster set for me, on Friday morning, Holy Spirit didn't wait to see whether Bob would check his answer-phone or not.
Gina started having bad feelings in her stomach to the point that she actually turned & asked Bob (a strange question) "Is someone having a car accident?"
On the way back on Saturday, I was on the freeway, approaching a fork in the road where the only shoulder was on the right-hand side, but I was heading left!
I was doing 65mph and my car suddenly 'lurched', and I knew I had just 2 seconds to decide what I was going to do. I looked up and in the rear-view mirror I saw the exact same truck that was going to take me out, coming up fast on me at - at least 75mph!
Now like I said, from what we've been able to piece together, is that it was at around exactly the same time, that Holy Spirit went to Gina and ordered her "Pray!!"
She didn't know who she was praying for or why, but she obeyed the voice of the L-RD .. And how I managed to cross two lanes and skew over to the right-hand shoulder where my car came to a screeching, complete stop, I'll never know, but that truck, at 75 mph, missed me by 3 feet!
I wanted to put a scripture here, but G-d gave me a different one. It is found in Psalm 124: 6-8. It reads:
"Praise be to the L-rd,
who has not let us be torn by their teeth,
We have escaped like a bird
out of the fowler's snare;
The snare has been broken
and we have escaped.
Our help is in the Name of the L-rd,
The Maker of Heaven and Earth."
Friends, will you support us with your constant prayers? Please do. We need them to bless G-d's Holy Name with! G-d bless you, we will see you again this Friday, if our L-rd Wills it to be so! May the L-rd bless you and keep you,
In Yeshua Always.
Raymond ******.
[During this time, we experienced a lot of spiritual opposition, and I mean a lot - and I mean 'spiritual' warfare! Twice, the enemies of G-D tried to kill, and I saw things during those times that realistically it is enough to say that I do not know how to describe here, but it is enough to describe them as 'angelic battles'.
This happened as we were starting and as I was just then beginning to recognize the Genesis Timeline. For reasons known to the L-RD alone, those plans did not come to fruition, but the effort wasn't wasted. It drew us both much closer to the L-RD, and we got to see His Awesomeness in protecting our very lives!]
Vision 6: An East Wind.
April 29, 2005 - Friday.
"Vengeance is Mine! *I* will repay!"(Deut. 32:35)
Today it is wet, wet, wet. It has been raining all day and the size of
some of the pieces of ice coming down this morning were really
quite surprising.
It's too wet to go out or do anything really, the dogs took one sniff
outside and looked at me as if I was stupid. So I made a coffee and
sat and watched a subject on the History channel that I normally
avoid - the Holocaust.
I know some who are like "Yeah, 6 million Jews..we know!", but
watching personal accounts of what took place in Poland and
surrounding countries, footage that I'd never seen before, very
personal footage .. what happened was so much more than just ..
"a number".
I cried & prayed "Oh God! Where is the justice for these people?
Where is the justice for what was done to them?" and I was in
tears, and a thought shot right across my mind immediately -
"My anger is coming very soon!"
This actually made me cry more, and all I could do was pray,
"Dear God, let your Kingdom come and shatter all the nations
into pieces! In Jesus' Name, Amen!"
[By the way, the programme is still on, on the History Channel; it
is on until 8pm tonight, Central Time]
-- Cathy Perry wrote:
You were talking about the Holocaust. When I was in High School,
we had to watch a film on it. I was sobbing in my seat. The guy
behind me was rubbing my back trying to calm me down. I
couldn't believe another human being could be so evil. It was
beyond my comprehension. I was brought up to have respect for
everyone! No matter the color of their skin, their heritage or their
I work at a bingo hall and we use to have a patron, whom has since
expired from this earth, and she was in one of those concentration
camps when she was a young girl. One story she told me horrified
me to no end. She said that she and others had to make lamps out
of feet and hands from victims. She said that sometimes she might
recognize a marking on one of the amputated parts as being a friend
or family member. I could not imagine anyone, much less a child,
having to endure that.
Lamps?!!! What type of evil heinous person makes a lamp out of a
severed human part? She had other stories too, but that one story
has been emblazoned in my mind forever.
8:10 pm - An East Wind is coming.
Cathy, you would think with the announcement of the end of the war,
that the persecution would stop, but for the Jews it actually increased!
The killing of the Jews was ultimately carried on to such extremes
that the chambers designed for the purpose, couldn't handle the
load and bodies were then being burned out in the open! Of course,
people in the neighboring towns complained about the smell interferring
with their peaceful nights' sleep!
What to do with all those bodies? Someone, somewhere, decided that
nothing should be wasted. Besides the lamps you mention, being made
from hands and feet, the German SS army made leather belts from the
skin of the people!
Bones were ground for glue to be made and used in German offices.
And soap was made from the persons of these individuals - SOAP!!!
Who would wash with this?!! .. But who questions what their soap is
made from?
As if to add final insult to injury, you'll find every German soldier had
stamped on his belt-buckle words that call for God's blessing on his
purpose in the German army. I forget the exact wording but it was a
standard part of their uniform.
These things we learned as we grew up, along also with very educational
visits to museums we have here in London, where you can walk into
rooms with parts sectioned off by glass partitions to the left and to the
right; these are filled (from the floor up!) with: one section here - only
eyeglasses, that section over there - shoes, hats .. like that.
But don't misunderstand me - the size of these sections with the sheer
representative number of objects that each one contained: all those
people would not have had room to stand in that building alone! ..
These were such enormous piles of individual objects that after a while
it became difficult - to see the *tens of thousands* of Jewish indivduals
they represented!
May God Bless Israel with freedom from Her enemies once more, and
sweep those enemies away from before Him like chaff in an east wind.
Like the east wind that blew across the Red sea, drying it up, while the
Lord Himself stood as a wall between Israel and Her enemies that night,
so that She could pass through to safety on dry land!
In Jesus,
April 29, 2005 - Friday.
"Vengeance is Mine! *I* will repay!"(Deut. 32:35)
Today it is wet, wet, wet. It has been raining all day and the size of
some of the pieces of ice coming down this morning were really
quite surprising.
It's too wet to go out or do anything really, the dogs took one sniff
outside and looked at me as if I was stupid. So I made a coffee and
sat and watched a subject on the History channel that I normally
avoid - the Holocaust.
I know some who are like "Yeah, 6 million Jews..we know!", but
watching personal accounts of what took place in Poland and
surrounding countries, footage that I'd never seen before, very
personal footage .. what happened was so much more than just ..
"a number".
I cried & prayed "Oh God! Where is the justice for these people?
Where is the justice for what was done to them?" and I was in
tears, and a thought shot right across my mind immediately -
"My anger is coming very soon!"
This actually made me cry more, and all I could do was pray,
"Dear God, let your Kingdom come and shatter all the nations
into pieces! In Jesus' Name, Amen!"
[By the way, the programme is still on, on the History Channel; it
is on until 8pm tonight, Central Time]
-- Cathy Perry wrote:
You were talking about the Holocaust. When I was in High School,
we had to watch a film on it. I was sobbing in my seat. The guy
behind me was rubbing my back trying to calm me down. I
couldn't believe another human being could be so evil. It was
beyond my comprehension. I was brought up to have respect for
everyone! No matter the color of their skin, their heritage or their
I work at a bingo hall and we use to have a patron, whom has since
expired from this earth, and she was in one of those concentration
camps when she was a young girl. One story she told me horrified
me to no end. She said that she and others had to make lamps out
of feet and hands from victims. She said that sometimes she might
recognize a marking on one of the amputated parts as being a friend
or family member. I could not imagine anyone, much less a child,
having to endure that.
Lamps?!!! What type of evil heinous person makes a lamp out of a
severed human part? She had other stories too, but that one story
has been emblazoned in my mind forever.
8:10 pm - An East Wind is coming.
Cathy, you would think with the announcement of the end of the war,
that the persecution would stop, but for the Jews it actually increased!
The killing of the Jews was ultimately carried on to such extremes
that the chambers designed for the purpose, couldn't handle the
load and bodies were then being burned out in the open! Of course,
people in the neighboring towns complained about the smell interferring
with their peaceful nights' sleep!
What to do with all those bodies? Someone, somewhere, decided that
nothing should be wasted. Besides the lamps you mention, being made
from hands and feet, the German SS army made leather belts from the
skin of the people!
Bones were ground for glue to be made and used in German offices.
And soap was made from the persons of these individuals - SOAP!!!
Who would wash with this?!! .. But who questions what their soap is
made from?
As if to add final insult to injury, you'll find every German soldier had
stamped on his belt-buckle words that call for God's blessing on his
purpose in the German army. I forget the exact wording but it was a
standard part of their uniform.
These things we learned as we grew up, along also with very educational
visits to museums we have here in London, where you can walk into
rooms with parts sectioned off by glass partitions to the left and to the
right; these are filled (from the floor up!) with: one section here - only
eyeglasses, that section over there - shoes, hats .. like that.
But don't misunderstand me - the size of these sections with the sheer
representative number of objects that each one contained: all those
people would not have had room to stand in that building alone! ..
These were such enormous piles of individual objects that after a while
it became difficult - to see the *tens of thousands* of Jewish indivduals
they represented!
May God Bless Israel with freedom from Her enemies once more, and
sweep those enemies away from before Him like chaff in an east wind.
Like the east wind that blew across the Red sea, drying it up, while the
Lord Himself stood as a wall between Israel and Her enemies that night,
so that She could pass through to safety on dry land!
In Jesus,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Vision 5: 2010 and War?
This was sent to me, by Bob, on or around Thursday, October the 1st, 2009.
Four years ago I started receiving dreams. Here is the second of them:
The next dream or vision had me in prison or jail, and I was talking with a group of Christians ( I think) and we were planning an escape.
I get the impression I didn't make it out. I don't know where my family was and I didn't recognize anyone that was with me.. I did get the feeling that most, if not all, of the people that were in the room with me were Christians.
Also, it seems funny (as opposed to the first dream), that we were in buildings and it was clean - clean uniforms (like scrubs) and clean rooms. There were a lot of people in there though.
The Lord has impressed upon me to be debt-free within 5 years [2010! - Ray].
This is year 4 (2009). I have made more money in the last 3 yrs than I have done in my life, and have had the opportunity to pay down a tremendous amount of my debt. I have not taken it as seriously as I should have, but will finish what I am supposed to, this year.
One of my emails sent after recieving Bob's visions: (Of Dream One: )
"So I started running towards the building that I saw up ahead, one of my friends waved me over and started yelling, "Get in the bus!" . I yelled back "It has no engine!", but he replied "I know it looks dead, but it will still get you away safely!" From my understanding it represented the church at the time."
When Bob related this to me, I tried hard to see myself in that picture and couldn't, and we've talked about this, and I've said to him "Bob, why am I not there? Why can't I see myself there??? It's like there's a hole and I'm just not there."
I can only assume that I may be dead or worse at the time. I hope neither, but given a choice, the former is more appealing. I trust in my L-RD and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, December the 29th, 2009 - An Email.
God promised to ready His people in the Last Days, that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, so that some would dream dreams, others would have visions, people would prophesy; all these things so that His people would keep awake, keep praying, and keep sharing the Gospel - until the End!
What is the point of giving a warning, if we are to do nothing about it? Would we sit on the walls of Jericho being confident that we would be alright because we're saved in Jesus Christ - while ignoring the warnings sounds of trumpets and breaking vases? Would we have fled to the hills of Judea back then?
Bob was told to get out of debt by 2010. Why???
My own visions, I'm not embarrassed to say I had them, have indicated some tough things coming upon us. I know that both Bob's vision's, mine, pastors who wrote to me from Israel having 'seen' the same things - and other people - are all describing the same thing - the events leading into the Great Tribulation!
Bob's wife walked into my place of work today.. I haven't seen her in months! She tells me he has suddenly started feeling the need to buy some land. I haven't spoken to Bob in months either. We discussed the vision I had a couple of years ago, in which I saw Kelly and I in a house together (recieved before I even knew Kelly), when sirens went off and I knew I would soon be dead.
In the last few months, things have been very relaxed. Kelly and I were engaged during Hannukah and we are now planning to build a house together. It was when speaking to Bob's wife today that it suddenly dawned on me how close the planned house looks like the one in the vision.
Bob's wife told me that day, that Bob now travels all over the country. Perhaps this explains in Bob's second vision, why he did not know where his family was .. maybe the same reason I could not 'place' myself in his visions .. if we, in this southern state, had experienced the same fate .. but Bob had not.
May it never happen, but just a reflection upon these things.
In Jesus,
Lily Greaney writes:
Hi Ray, read[ing] the article on deployment of troops, the part about Korea startled me! About a month ago, I had very bad dream about a very big war with what looked like Koreans, very bad blood shed woke up sweating, not an ordinary dream you know??
Coming from a Baptist church they're not into dreams but I'm a bit thick I think, and the Lord has to get thru some some way - ha ha! Thanks for the posts Ray. God bless you.
(You are *NOT* thick, Lily .. not by far!!! - Ray)
This was sent to me, by Bob, on or around Thursday, October the 1st, 2009.
Four years ago I started receiving dreams. Here is the second of them:
The next dream or vision had me in prison or jail, and I was talking with a group of Christians ( I think) and we were planning an escape.
I get the impression I didn't make it out. I don't know where my family was and I didn't recognize anyone that was with me.. I did get the feeling that most, if not all, of the people that were in the room with me were Christians.
Also, it seems funny (as opposed to the first dream), that we were in buildings and it was clean - clean uniforms (like scrubs) and clean rooms. There were a lot of people in there though.
The Lord has impressed upon me to be debt-free within 5 years [2010! - Ray].
This is year 4 (2009). I have made more money in the last 3 yrs than I have done in my life, and have had the opportunity to pay down a tremendous amount of my debt. I have not taken it as seriously as I should have, but will finish what I am supposed to, this year.
One of my emails sent after recieving Bob's visions: (Of Dream One: )
"So I started running towards the building that I saw up ahead, one of my friends waved me over and started yelling, "Get in the bus!" . I yelled back "It has no engine!", but he replied "I know it looks dead, but it will still get you away safely!" From my understanding it represented the church at the time."
When Bob related this to me, I tried hard to see myself in that picture and couldn't, and we've talked about this, and I've said to him "Bob, why am I not there? Why can't I see myself there??? It's like there's a hole and I'm just not there."
I can only assume that I may be dead or worse at the time. I hope neither, but given a choice, the former is more appealing. I trust in my L-RD and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, December the 29th, 2009 - An Email.
God promised to ready His people in the Last Days, that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, so that some would dream dreams, others would have visions, people would prophesy; all these things so that His people would keep awake, keep praying, and keep sharing the Gospel - until the End!
What is the point of giving a warning, if we are to do nothing about it? Would we sit on the walls of Jericho being confident that we would be alright because we're saved in Jesus Christ - while ignoring the warnings sounds of trumpets and breaking vases? Would we have fled to the hills of Judea back then?
Bob was told to get out of debt by 2010. Why???
My own visions, I'm not embarrassed to say I had them, have indicated some tough things coming upon us. I know that both Bob's vision's, mine, pastors who wrote to me from Israel having 'seen' the same things - and other people - are all describing the same thing - the events leading into the Great Tribulation!
Bob's wife walked into my place of work today.. I haven't seen her in months! She tells me he has suddenly started feeling the need to buy some land. I haven't spoken to Bob in months either. We discussed the vision I had a couple of years ago, in which I saw Kelly and I in a house together (recieved before I even knew Kelly), when sirens went off and I knew I would soon be dead.
In the last few months, things have been very relaxed. Kelly and I were engaged during Hannukah and we are now planning to build a house together. It was when speaking to Bob's wife today that it suddenly dawned on me how close the planned house looks like the one in the vision.
Bob's wife told me that day, that Bob now travels all over the country. Perhaps this explains in Bob's second vision, why he did not know where his family was .. maybe the same reason I could not 'place' myself in his visions .. if we, in this southern state, had experienced the same fate .. but Bob had not.
May it never happen, but just a reflection upon these things.
In Jesus,
Lily Greaney writes:
Hi Ray, read[ing] the article on deployment of troops, the part about Korea startled me! About a month ago, I had very bad dream about a very big war with what looked like Koreans, very bad blood shed woke up sweating, not an ordinary dream you know??
Coming from a Baptist church they're not into dreams but I'm a bit thick I think, and the Lord has to get thru some some way - ha ha! Thanks for the posts Ray. God bless you.
(You are *NOT* thick, Lily .. not by far!!! - Ray)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Vision 1: My Father.
I send these in chronological order, and am sending a couple of personal
ones first because, spiritually, I think they kinda tell the story of where I'm
coming from, who I percieve Jesus to be, and what He means to me.
I love Him, and respect Him as my Father, Friend, and powerful King, not
some grand-daddyfied image of a glorified nanny, as some portray Him,
which, in fact, robs Him of the Royalty of His Dignity that God has given Him
as Savior of the World!
It was in total shock, Thomas fell, "My Lord and my God!"
In Jesus - Ray.
My Father.
The first 'dream' that I had, was when I was about 8, which had a really
powerful impact on me.
My questions & feelings regarding who my real father was, were more
at the front of my mind than they'd ever been before and I wanted him.
I *needed* him. I didn't know who he was, but I needed him to be a
part of my life, instead of all these other men I saw come and go.
I felt in my heart that you couldn't simply 'replace' a father with some-
one you knew wasn't your dad, and here my mother gave us fathers as
if they were on a conveyor belt! And *none* of them brought the deep
inner "spiritual" satisfaction I needed in knowing my real father. None
of them.
I could feel this right at the pit of my stomach, and although I couldn't
put it into words back then as I can now - I could feel it, and it hurt.
In the 'dream': I am sitting on the stairs, playing with my toy cars; I'm
3/4 turned towards the stairs, as I use one of them as a "platform" on
which to drive my cars. The wall is on my left and the banisters are on
my right.. My room is above & behind me so the entrance is directly
behind and to the right of my right shoulder as I face the stairs.
While I am playing, out of the corner of my eye, I see a man walk out
of my bedroom; he walks very quietly. I don't see him 'per se', but I
see the black leather shoes & pants of the black suit I know he wears.
How I know I'm not sure - but I know he is dressed all in black.
I watch as he passes on the other side of the banister, and listen to
the quiet creak of his leather shoes, and all I'm thinking is:
"I mustn't let him see me!"
I know I don't have time to run - and yet my feeling of rising panic is
mingled with such a desire for him - a need for him .. love! But I'm
absolutely terrified of him at the same time! This man has the power
to love me and to destroy me - He is my father!
And yet somehow I sense he is something much more than that .. I
just know that he mustn't see me, but I'm too frozen by fear to move
and run down the stairs, and even if I did that - he would see the
movement and thereby find me!!
To my abject *horror*, he reaches the end of the landing and I hear
the quiet creaking of his leather shoes as he descends the stairs, the
soft rustle of the smooth, clean, black suit He wore; I bury my face in
my arms, and huddle as deep into the stairs as I can - my fear and
panic growing as he now descends directly towards me, and with
every step closer he gets, I'm thinking:
"There's no way He can't see me now! How can He not see me?!!!"
And I was so terrified knowing that - as small as I was - my body still
blocked most of that little stairway and there was no possible chance
he could miss seeing me or be able to pass without me being in the
Trying to bury myself in the darkness of my huddle against the stairs
as much as I can - knowing He can't miss me, but hoping .. somehow -
yet at the sasme time, there is the desire for Him *to* see and find me
because of my desire for Him!
I want to know Him so much, but I am so terrified of Him and wish I
could disappear off those stairs to some secret hidden place where He
couldn't find me, because I didn't know .. whether I was truly safe with
Him or not.
Yet my "Father" was coming, and my panic reached more and more
uncontrollable levels inside me, as I started weeping into my arm.
I knew He was dressed all in black. He had a black suit on, that glided
smoothly with every movement He made, making small "shifting" sounds.
I didn't dare try to look up and see His face!! His shoes were black.
That's all I saw. Everything was about black: His Complete and Total
Authority as 'The Father'.
It was Jesus. That I now know.
This dream stayed with me for *many*, many years and affected me
in a profound way. It molded much of the way I interpreted fatherhood
and "masculinity" in general .. power and authority, mingled with
gentleness and grace. I learned that love is not indisposed to fear, but
they are part of each other. You cannot truly love someone in
authority, unless you fear their authority in some way. But not a
negative kind of fear - that's not what I'm talking about, but a fear that
means respect.
That's what wrong with the world today. People are out of control -
because they no longer fear anything. The 'politically correct' band
has told them, "You don't need to fear God or anything", and tried to
elevate us above the earthly species we are, that God has relationship
with. This is not only wrong but is blasphemy in a way. It's just my
But the images it produced in my mind were powerful & long-lasting.
It molded many of my attitudes, and in many ways still does, even
30 years later.
In Jesus,
Raymond ******.
I send these in chronological order, and am sending a couple of personal
ones first because, spiritually, I think they kinda tell the story of where I'm
coming from, who I percieve Jesus to be, and what He means to me.
I love Him, and respect Him as my Father, Friend, and powerful King, not
some grand-daddyfied image of a glorified nanny, as some portray Him,
which, in fact, robs Him of the Royalty of His Dignity that God has given Him
as Savior of the World!
It was in total shock, Thomas fell, "My Lord and my God!"
In Jesus - Ray.
My Father.
The first 'dream' that I had, was when I was about 8, which had a really
powerful impact on me.
My questions & feelings regarding who my real father was, were more
at the front of my mind than they'd ever been before and I wanted him.
I *needed* him. I didn't know who he was, but I needed him to be a
part of my life, instead of all these other men I saw come and go.
I felt in my heart that you couldn't simply 'replace' a father with some-
one you knew wasn't your dad, and here my mother gave us fathers as
if they were on a conveyor belt! And *none* of them brought the deep
inner "spiritual" satisfaction I needed in knowing my real father. None
of them.
I could feel this right at the pit of my stomach, and although I couldn't
put it into words back then as I can now - I could feel it, and it hurt.
In the 'dream': I am sitting on the stairs, playing with my toy cars; I'm
3/4 turned towards the stairs, as I use one of them as a "platform" on
which to drive my cars. The wall is on my left and the banisters are on
my right.. My room is above & behind me so the entrance is directly
behind and to the right of my right shoulder as I face the stairs.
While I am playing, out of the corner of my eye, I see a man walk out
of my bedroom; he walks very quietly. I don't see him 'per se', but I
see the black leather shoes & pants of the black suit I know he wears.
How I know I'm not sure - but I know he is dressed all in black.
I watch as he passes on the other side of the banister, and listen to
the quiet creak of his leather shoes, and all I'm thinking is:
"I mustn't let him see me!"
I know I don't have time to run - and yet my feeling of rising panic is
mingled with such a desire for him - a need for him .. love! But I'm
absolutely terrified of him at the same time! This man has the power
to love me and to destroy me - He is my father!
And yet somehow I sense he is something much more than that .. I
just know that he mustn't see me, but I'm too frozen by fear to move
and run down the stairs, and even if I did that - he would see the
movement and thereby find me!!
To my abject *horror*, he reaches the end of the landing and I hear
the quiet creaking of his leather shoes as he descends the stairs, the
soft rustle of the smooth, clean, black suit He wore; I bury my face in
my arms, and huddle as deep into the stairs as I can - my fear and
panic growing as he now descends directly towards me, and with
every step closer he gets, I'm thinking:
"There's no way He can't see me now! How can He not see me?!!!"
And I was so terrified knowing that - as small as I was - my body still
blocked most of that little stairway and there was no possible chance
he could miss seeing me or be able to pass without me being in the
Trying to bury myself in the darkness of my huddle against the stairs
as much as I can - knowing He can't miss me, but hoping .. somehow -
yet at the sasme time, there is the desire for Him *to* see and find me
because of my desire for Him!
I want to know Him so much, but I am so terrified of Him and wish I
could disappear off those stairs to some secret hidden place where He
couldn't find me, because I didn't know .. whether I was truly safe with
Him or not.
Yet my "Father" was coming, and my panic reached more and more
uncontrollable levels inside me, as I started weeping into my arm.
I knew He was dressed all in black. He had a black suit on, that glided
smoothly with every movement He made, making small "shifting" sounds.
I didn't dare try to look up and see His face!! His shoes were black.
That's all I saw. Everything was about black: His Complete and Total
Authority as 'The Father'.
It was Jesus. That I now know.
This dream stayed with me for *many*, many years and affected me
in a profound way. It molded much of the way I interpreted fatherhood
and "masculinity" in general .. power and authority, mingled with
gentleness and grace. I learned that love is not indisposed to fear, but
they are part of each other. You cannot truly love someone in
authority, unless you fear their authority in some way. But not a
negative kind of fear - that's not what I'm talking about, but a fear that
means respect.
That's what wrong with the world today. People are out of control -
because they no longer fear anything. The 'politically correct' band
has told them, "You don't need to fear God or anything", and tried to
elevate us above the earthly species we are, that God has relationship
with. This is not only wrong but is blasphemy in a way. It's just my
But the images it produced in my mind were powerful & long-lasting.
It molded many of my attitudes, and in many ways still does, even
30 years later.
In Jesus,
Raymond ******.
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