Yom Kippur - is considered the holiest of the Jewish holy days, the Bible (Lev 23:26-32) calls the day Yom Hakippurim (Hebrew for "Day of the Atonements"). as most solemn, a time of introspection and repentance. Modern observance includes fasting for 24 hours (from sundown Sept 17 to sundown ,Sept 18,) abstinence from all work and denial of all physical appetites,(fasting) in honor of the seriousness of this holy day. The meal taken before this fast should go easy on salt, because salt makes one thirsty.
Eating, drinking, bathing, anointing, wearing leather shoes and having sexual relations are all forbidden on this day. Yom Kippur is the day to seek forgiveness for vows broken --- vows between man and God and between each other. This is a time of confession and prayer -- admitting the guilt of our sin and asking God for forgiveness.
The high priest would offer solemn prayers that God would receive the offering and forgive the sins of the people. Yeshua is our high priest -- He entered the heavenly Holy of Holies and is currently making blood atonement for our sins. Yom Kippur is a time for identification with our Jewish people, introspection for ourselves and intercession for loved ones, knowing all the while that Jesus is the One that makes us at one with God..." Yom Kippur, it illustrates the spirit of the holy day, which emphasizes confession of sin and restoration of a relationship with God.
How should believers celebrate?
This is a day begun in great solemnity as we conclude ten days of repentance,( 10 days of Awe) but ended with great joy as atonement is made for the priest, the temple, and the community.
In Leviticus 16, the high priest first made atonement for personal sin. At the Lord’s Supper we examine our hearts (Romans 11:27-32, 1 John 1:9). As believers we still need introspection and repentance. We should start here.
The high priest next made atonement for the tabernacle. Numbers 18 tells us that the priesthood bore the iniquity of the tabernacle and its equipment. But those earthly items still needed atonement yearly in order to be fit for God's dwelling. This day teaches that even though Yeshua bears our iniquity (Isaiah 53:6) we still need to make atonement to allow the presence of God to more greatly fill us (1 Corinthians 3:16 calls our bodies the current temples of God).
The high priest then interceded for God’s forgiveness upon the community. Pray for the communities to which you belong. For examples of intercession read Exodus 32:11-14, Daniel 9:2-19, Isaiah 58, Ezra 9:1-6, Romans 8:26, Hebrews 7:25.
The Hebrew word for "repentance" is t'shuvah, meaning "turning [to God]". Although all ten Days of Awe are times of t'shuvah (indeed, the entire year should be), the evening and morning of Yom Kippur have the most intense t'shuvah of the year. So it is appropriate on this day to think about the steps of t’shuvah:
(1) humbling your heart (Psalm 34:18)
(2) forgiving others (Matthew 6)
(3) introspection (Psalm 139:3)
(4) apologizing to all for whom God shows a need to do so (Matthew 5:33)
(5) accepting blame from what God showed us in #3, #4
(6) remorse (2 Cor 7:10)
(7) willingness to suffer consequences of sin (2 Samuel 12:13-14)
(8) confession before God and sometimes other people (James 5:16)
(9) reconciliation and restitution with God and people (Jer 31:34, Acts 13:38, Luke 19:8, Luke 3:9-13)
As we await this day, we can celebrate Yom Kippur by thanking God for the atonement available through Yeshua and by praying that more of our people will recognize and accept Him as their atonement. The tenor of the day also provides us with an opportunity for self-searching, repentance and recommitment to God (cf. II Cor. 13:5; 1 Jn. 1:9).
The yearly observance of Yom Kippur foreshadows the Great Day of Judgment to come, when Messiah will come to preside of the Judgment of the world, and reestablish Israel in its rightful place. (Jeremiah 33:11)
Blessings, Shalom,
More christians don't know about the Lords high holy days, the Lord says that we re to proclaim and keep the feasts with others, Leviticus 23:2, I Corith 5:8.
Rosh Hashanah, started on Sept 9th and 10th, then there are the 10 days of Awe until Yom Kippur, which is believed that the gate of heaven is open for our petitions and hen there is Succot, Setpt 23, ending on Sept 30, where most people go camping, it is being under the stars and spending time remembering the fragile dwellings that the Iraelites dwelt in their 40 years of wandering the desert, but its a reminder to christians, that the Lord provides for us , food, and clotheing and living and provision and to thank Jesus for all that.
CBN celebrates the High Holy Days, I have a video on my page and most prophets celebrate it as the Lord has revealed this to them as being the Lords appointed times and not to celebrate the world's holidays, like Christmas or Easter as they come from pagan holidays
Matthew 15-2-9, Jeremiah 10:1-4, Duet 7:25-26 James 4:4, Collossians 2:8, Mark 7:7,Deut 4:2, 2 Corinthians 6:17
Yet the church has not been honest or tells us the truth about this, I only found out about this like 2 years ago. The Lord gave me a song for Jeruselum and Israel. and showed me these scritpres. and how if we honor the Lord and obey him in this, we will be blessed and the Lord healed me of 2 things last year on Yom Kippur, ALL menapause symptoms and Endrometriosis, (the woman with the issue of blood).
I pray that the Lord opens your eyes to the feasts, you are asking the Lord put it on your heart for a reason, if you have the HEART of the Lord, he will woe you to these feasts as they are his holidays to be reveranced. God bless.
See FeastsoftheLord.net
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